[Transport] Fact Finder's Report Accepted by PAT Bd
Glenn A. Walsh
gawalsh at planetarium.cc
Fri Sep 12 15:13:21 EDT 2008
Early this afternoon, the Board of Directors of the Port Authority of Allegheny County accepted the recommendations in a report by Fact Finder Jane Rigler, regarding the collective bargaining agreement between PAT and the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 85. The Transit Union represents 2,465 rail operators, bus drivers, mechanics, and clerical workers who have continued working despite the expiration of their three-year contract on June 30. Up until now, agreement on a new contract has not occurred.
The Fact Finder's Report must be accepted by both the PAT Board and the transit union, in whole, by Saturday. The Transit Union is expected to announce their decision on acceptance or rejection of the report at a 4:30 p.m. Friday news conference.
Should both sides accept the Fact Finder's Report, then the report will form the basis for a new 3-year labor agreement. Rejection of the report by either side would mean that negotiations with State and Federal mediators could resume. However, it also means that the Transit Union could legally begin a work stoppage at any time.
At the following link, you will find additional information regarding this issue, including recent news reports and a link to the official fact finder's report.
< http://andrewcarnegie2.tripod.com/transit/pat/2007fundingcrisis.html#tnews2 >
Glenn A. Walsh, Project Director,
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